"Hotel Green View Agra"

Facilities of Hotel Green View Agra

Hotel Green View Agra boasts a comprehensive range of facilities and aminities that will appeal to discerning business guests as well as to leisure travelers. sincere hospitality with personalized services makes the guest feel at home. Well appointed and fully furnished room offers conducive environment with the highest level of comfort.

  • In-House Restaurant
  • Daily Housekeeping
  • Laundry Service
  • Complimentary WiFi
  • Complimentary Breakfast
  • Air Conditioning
  • Television With Cable TV
  • Telephone
  • Room Service
  • Wardrobe
  • Mini bar
  • Tea & Coffee Kettle
  • 24 X 7 Travel Desk
  • Docter on Call

Railway Pickup & drop Off (200/- INR)

Call / WhatsApp at : +91- 9810004970, +91-7895577136